

第五屆Pink Dot Hong Kong圓滿結束,一眾Pink Dot團隊希望藉此機會向所有於上星期日來臨參加Pink Dot 2018的朋友致深切的感謝,全靠你們每一位的支持及參與,Pink Dot 2018才得以順利完成。今年是活動五週年,我們繼續提倡尊重差異,擁抱多元的訊息給大眾,而我們很感激當日來自各個年齡、性傾向、性身分、種族和社會文化背景的盟友們,甚至小動物都能共聚一堂,無分彼此。多謝你們,是你們的包容、多元、尊重將西九變成一個適合任何人的快樂地!

而今年我們亦非常榮幸能邀請不同組織在Pink Dot Hong Kong這個平台發聲,集結大家力量,抱住一樣的大愛平等願景,攜手讓我們的世界變得更美好。我們相信,當日的社區組織攤位能夠讓在場參加者真切地感受他們在背後堅守的精神,更近距離和參加者及不同組織交流互動。


五年對於Pink Dot Hong Kong來說只是一個開始,我們會一直努力,擁抱多元的訊息透過不同渠道繼續彰顯。而我們所有來自不同組織的義工們,會一直學習,希望能舉辦「最好的Pink Dot Hong Kong」給大眾。我們絕對歡迎來自任何地方的意見,讓我們做得更好,做得更與別不同。


The entire team of Pink Dot Hong Kong would like to thank everyone who came to Pink Dot 2018 last Sunday and made the event the success that it was. It was our 5th anniversary and we would like to thank old and young, men, women and anyone in between, LGBTI+ and allies, Hong Kongers and foreigners and our four-legged friends that came to celebrate inclusiveness, diversity and respect and transform the West Kowloon Cultural District Art Park into a safe place for all.

This year we are especially proud to have been able to give a voice to many other organisations and NGOs. We believe the location of the community booths enabled the public to really see and interact with these amazing groups.

We would like to also thank our sponsors and partners for their support and for believing in us. Without them we wouldn’t be able to put on such a fun and activities packed event and concert.

Finally, even though it is the 5th edition of Pink Dot Hong Kong, all the volunteers that form the organisation team are still learning on how to create the best Pink Dot for Hong Kong and we welcome the community feedback if you think we should do things differently.
