BigLoveTV: 香港同運會 凱旋而回!
(Facebook Live直播時間: 2023-11-03 Friday 21:30)
香港成為首個亞洲城市奪得2022同運動會主辦權,可喜可賀!香港同運會團員今日從巴黎凱旋回港,梁兆輝第一時間請他們登上BigLoveTV,今晚作Facebook Live直播,由團隊親述奪魁經過和未來五年部署。直播時間為今晚9:30,於大愛同盟專頁。
BigLoveTV: HK Gay Games Homecoming!
(Facebook Live: 2023-11-03 Friday 21:30)
Hong Kong becomes the first Asian city to won the bid to host the 2022 Gay Games. Bravo! The Gay Games XI Hong Kong 2022 team will be returning to HK from Paris today. Brian Leung invites the homecoming team to come up to BigLoveTV to share their joy and victory stories, as well as their upcoming 5-year plan to Gay Games 2022. The livecast will be featured on the page of Big Love Alliance 大愛同盟 tonight at 9:30pm. Tune in!